Heart Hoya Variegated

200 MDL

Hoya Kerrii, a semi-succulent plant native to tropical and semi-tropical regions of Asia and the South Pacific, begins as a single leaf and develops into vine stems with numerous heart-shaped leaves along their length. It also has the potential to produce small clusters of flowers.


This plant thrives in bright light – plenty of sun will keep it happy. It’s important to maintain a constant level of moisture; prevent the soil from drying out completely by watering once or twice a month.


Affectionately known as the Sweetheart plant for its thick, heart-shaped leaves, it’s a perfect choice for a Valentine’s Day gift. Not only is this little houseplant adorable, it is also incredibly easy to care for and cherish.

The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.

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