Scindapsus Global Green este o plantă de interior captivantă și versatilă, apreciată pentru frunzișul său verde luxuriant și calitățile excepționale de purificare a aerului. Scindapsus ‘Global Green’ adaugă o notă de eleganță naturală oricărui spațiu interior, contribuind în același timp la un mediu mai sănătos și mai vibrant. Descoperă frumusețea și beneficiile purificatoare ale acestei plante de apartament în casa sau biroul tău. Cum să ai grijă de ea, afli în Biblioteca de Plante.
The plant is offered in a simple factory pot.
We recommend and with a great pleasure will help you to choose a new and suitable one.
Scindapsus Aureus proudly shows off its heart-shaped leaves, as if saying “I love you!” every time you walk into the room. And let’s not forget its sociable personality: Scindapsus loves to climb and explore, so don’t hesitate to give it some support or let it spread out on a wall. Visit the Plant Library for care tips.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.
One of the most impressive climbing species that you can easily plant in your garden, always surprising with its aesthetic appeal, even in winter! Ivy is a common climbing and trailing plant originating from Europe and Western Asia. It has long, flexible stems that allow it to creep and climb easily over large surfaces. It can cover a wall or be successfully used to decorate the garden, fence, or interior of the house.
In late summer, it produces small yellow-green flowers and fruits, though these are not edible. It is easy to plant in all seasons (except when the ground is frozen). It grows slower in its early years but once mature, it spreads rapidly, covering entire buildings. Ivy requires no special care and is quite resistant to various environmental conditions, diseases or pests. It likes sunlight but prefers not to be exposed to direct light. When planted directly in the ground, it will survive through winter.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.
Tradescantia is a perennial native to southern Mexico and Guatemala. Like all plants with coloured foliage, it needs strong natural light. In the absence of light, it can become discoloured. The oval leaves have silver, green or pink stripes on the upper surface, while the underside is completely purple.
Plants in the Tradescantia family are known for their rapid growth and trailing habit. This plant is perfect for hanging baskets or as a cascading centrepiece on the balcony, cupboard or windowsill. This hardy plant is easy to propagate as each segment has the potential to produce a new individual. Easily propagated from cuttings, Tradescantia Variegata roots well in water or moist soil and is a versatile choice for any indoor gardener.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.
No, you’re not looking at a modern abstract painting; you’re gazing at this stunning plant with satin-like, velvety leaves. Get ready to lose yourself in the contemplation of its leaf harmony—an activity that will quickly become your favourite. And when it fills your home with fresh oxygen, you’ll know you’ve made the perfect choice.
Visit the Plant Library for care tips.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.
Jasmine’s fragrance is intense and sweet and is recognised as one of the most pleasant and widespread floral scents. It is best known and highly regarded for the fragrance of its flowers, often replicated in perfumes, but a gorgeous addition to any yard or garden. Jasmine prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade. Adequate light is essential for rich flowering. It thrives with moderate humidity and regular watering, keeping the soil moist but not overly soggy.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.
This is perfect if you’re a fan of Monstera and like the concept of a smaller version for rooms with lower ceilings. So you have the option of a miniature monster, and luckily it’s pretty easy to look after, especially if you’re experienced in looking after monsters.
The Monstera Monkey is native to the rainforests of Central and South America. Popular for its leaf shape and fast growth, it likes to be watered once a week and only allowed to dry out between waterings. Wipe and spray the leaves regularly and find a bright spot. Growth will be slower in low light.
Perfect for a high shelf as it likes to spill over the pot as it grows. It can also be trained to climb along a support. Yellowing leaves indicate too much light or moisture shock, while crisp leaves indicate too little light or moisture.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.
With Scindapsus Neon, you’ll quickly have an indoor jungle without moving to the Amazon! A natural climber, it grows neon-green leaves along its vines and will latch onto any moss pole it encounters, wrapping around it from all sides. So, if you want to feel like Indiana Jones in your own home, look no further. For its preferred conditions, check out the Plant Library.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.
English ivy (Hedera helix variegata) is one of the most common ivy species and the most widely grown. It is very easy to grow, both in pots and as an ornamental outdoor plant. You’ve probably noticed it on the outside of buildings and houses that look like entrances to a secret botanical world.
Potted ivy requires much less water. Before watering, check the consistency of the substrate, which should be loose but dry on the surface. Be careful not to overwater. For optimal lighting, position the plant near a window to ensure it receives abundant light without direct exposure. Poor lighting can reduce the number of leaves and cause them to discolour.
Indoors, it can be placed on a shelf or taller plant stand to allow it to create that eye-catching cascade of creamy white variegated green leaves. It tends to grow vigorously, providing quick results for those who want to transform their room or garden in a short space of time.
The plant comes in a basic nursery pot.
We are happy to suggest and help you choose a new and appropriate one.